
“I Am A Rich Therapist, Leveraging My Expertise To Manifest The Abundant Life That I Desire”

Your Ideas Are Worth Millions! Turn Your Expertise Into Income Beyond The Therapist’s Chair

Are you a passionate therapist who dreams of making a bigger impact while enjoying a balanced and fulfilling life? Do you find yourself trapped in your office, overwhelmed by the demands of running your private practice? It's time to break free from the burnout cycle, find the work-life harmony you deserve, and turn your expertise into multiple streams of income that truly align with your aspirations.

I've been exactly where you are. As a therapist and entrepreneur, I've navigated the maze of burnout, the frustration of feeling tied to my office, and the hunger for a life that encompasses not only success but also abundance and harmony. Through consistent effort, a commitment to growth, and the manifestation of abundance, I've transformed my private practice into a diverse ecosystem of income streams - and so can you!

In the Diversify Your Expertise VIP Day, we'll delve into your aspirations, illuminate the path towards work-life equilibrium, and engineer an income strategy that resonates deeply with your unique goals. This is your opportunity to not only learn but to witness the transformation that's possible when you embrace the power of diversification and manifestation.

I'm here to guide you on this journey, to help you see the incredible possibilities that lie before you, and to provide you with the tools and strategies to seize them. Let's take your expertise and turn it into a masterpiece of income diversification – a symphony of prosperity that fuels both your passion and your purpose. Book A Diversify Your Expertise VIP Day for your and let's co-create a future where your dreams become your reality. Your journey towards balance, abundance, and fulfillment starts right here.

You Deserve The Freedom To Enjoy Your Abundant Life Without Feeling Guilty

If you've ever felt confined by the routine of traditional therapy sessions, yearning for more freedom, income, and fulfillment, then the Diversify Your Expertise VIP Day is designed for you. Here are three signs you need to diversify your income as a therapist:

  • You're Stuck In An "Endless" Cycle Of Burnout

    Do you find yourself caught in a relentless cycle of burnout, juggling an overwhelming caseload of 1:1 clients while your own well-being takes a backseat? If the weight of providing constant, hands-on therapy has you feeling drained and stuck, it's a clear sign that you need to explore new avenues to lighten the load and rejuvenate your passion.

  • Yearning For Greater Impact And Freedom

    As a therapist, you're driven by the desire to make a positive impact on lives. If you've ever yearned for a way to expand your influence beyond individual sessions, all while gaining more freedom and flexibility in your schedule, then diversifying your income is your path to achieving these goals.

  • Feeling Financially Stretched, Despite Your Hard Work

    If you find yourself consistently struggling to make ends meet or feeling financially stretched despite your dedication to therapy, it's a clear indicator that you need to explore new avenues to diversify your income and create a more secure financial foundation.

Shawniel has always seen the potential in me even when I could not. Through her coaching and encouragement, I was able to move out of my comfort zone and reach my goals. I now work at my dream job and make more money that I knew possible. She has also helped me to improve my marriage; I was able to identify areas I needed to improve such as establishing better communication skills. My relationship is thriving now more than ever!

-Sandra, Human Resource Manager

“When your actions align with your vision, you can attract the resources and opportunities to manifest the abundant life you truly desire.”

-Shawniel Chamanlal, LCSW

You're Probably A Great Fit For A VIP Day If You Have…

An Open Mind: You're excited about exploring new ways to channel your therapeutic expertise and are open to creative income-generating strategies beyond traditional therapy sessions.

Passion to Serve: Your commitment to helping others goes beyond the therapy room. You're driven by a deep desire to create a more significant impact and transform lives through various avenues of your expertise.

A Willingness to Learn: You understand that diversifying your income requires embracing new concepts, and you're eager to invest time in learning and applying these strategies to your professional journey.

A Desire for Abundance: You envision a life filled with financial stability, freedom, and the resources to explore your passions. You're motivated by the prospect of creating an abundant future for yourself through innovative income streams.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: You're ready to embrace your role as an entrepreneurial therapist and are willing to take calculated risks to realize your financial and impact goals.

The Drive to Break Free from Burnout: If you've felt the heavy weight of burnout from the demands of running your practice or offering only traditional therapy sessions, you're motivated to find a solution that brings back the joy, balance, and fulfillment you deserve.

A Vision for Work-Life Harmony: You have a clear vision of achieving a harmonious blend of work and personal life, allowing you to enjoy both professional success and a fulfilling personal lifestyle.

The Courage to Manifest Change: You're ready to step out of your comfort zone and manifest the changes you desire in your career and life, turning your dreams into reality through actionable strategies.

Take The First Step Toward Manifesting The Financial Abundance You Deserve

Submit the form below to apply for a VIP Day. Feel free to reach out to me at with questions or concerns.